And then there was food!
This section covers interesting and unusual information that is food related as well as recipes.
Image by 1222komalkumari1222 from Pixabay
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The opinions and content in the links below are of those third party websites and / or authors. QV Woman is not responsible for third party content. To know more, please read our Terms of Use page.
It is, as the name suggests a repository of information about food from around the world. From local ingredients to traditional dishes and authentic restaurants.
Associate Digital Editor Caroline Stanko writes this piece from the food website Taste of Home gives an insight into some global recipes that are quite staple to that country. Definitely worth a look.
If you have not heard of this before, you are in for a treat. Well, sort of! Located in Sweden, the museum says "Disgusting Food Museum invites visitors to explore the world of food and challenge their notions of what is and what isn’t edible.". You can smell and taste some of these notorious foods, they say. Here are some examples: Surströmming – fermented herring from Sweden. Stinky Tofu from China, roasted Guinea pigs from Peru,
(And if you ever visit Malmo Sweden, and have the time to visit this museum, please be sure to tell us!!)
The British Museum has come up with a few ancient classical foods that can be recreated today. Including finely chopped cabbage and very garlicy garlic cheese! Simple options for the veggie lover also included!
Rough Guides offers this 16 weird foods around the world guide. Author James Rice lists foods from Japan (Tuna eyeballs), Cambodia (fried tarantulas) to Israel (locusts) to Mongolia (fermented horse milk)- all 16 are very unusual for sure. As he says, will you relish it or say yuck? You decide.
The BBC has its own take decoding the world's oldest recipes. In this article author Ashely Winchester outlines the work of a team of international scholars versed in culinary history, food chemistry and cuneiform (The Babylonian system of writing). It is a fascinating read going back hundreds of years BC, and covers some recipes too.
This old nugget from 1993 came our way when poking around the web. It contains some very unusual recipes, from Medieval Europe to Antique Roman Dishes. Take a look. It has extracts from books like De Re Coquinaria from Marcus Gavius Apicus (1st Century CE) and The British Museum Cookbook by Michelle Berriedale-Johnson (1987)
(Fore warning: the link is from the Carnegie Mellon University Archives and is not secure. We did not find any virus issues, but be warned it is not a secure site)
The Indian Cookery Book: Practical Handbook to the Kitchen in India , Adapted to the Three Presidencies.
This is an oldie from 1880. This books is interesting as it gives you a Kitchen Calendar, listing what vegetables are available month by month. This also tells us how things were then and compare and contrast how much things are the same and how much they have changed.

Photo credit: medium:after_download_modal.copy_text.photo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sheet-of-paper-put-near-assortment-of-fresh-ingredients-4033296/
Our Stand....
We want to promote healthy eating on a budget. Also, we feel if people are given options that are manageable, they may be willing to try recipes from other countries or something vegetarian or gluten free.
And then there is taste! Vegetarian food, for example is not just raw vegetables thrown in a bowl. Nor does it mean endless hours of labor...ditto with other global cuisines...And so we have embarked on a quest to find cookery blogs and websites that might inspire our readers to get adventurous and healthy!
If you have any suggestions, please contact us. The more diverse, the merrier.
The opinions and content in the links below are of those third party websites and / or authors. QV Woman is not responsible for third party content. To know more, please read our Terms of Use page.
This was brought to our attention by QV Woman reader, the wonderful Allie Cisneros. In addition to writing a lovely note, telling us how wonderful the Resources pages were, esp. those for kids (which totally made our day!), she sent us a link for this website.
A simply constructed website but with a treasure of recipes, we decided How To Cook. Recipes was definitely worth QV Woman material!
Check it out and let us know what you think.