Hello, I just signed up on this website, it looks very interesting.
I love the simple idea of this platform, to share articles and books and generally raise our intellectual levels (Love the intellectual lounge btw. That is how I found the website, I was searching for interesting lounge chairs and this also popped up way down on page 4 or 5!!!!)
I think anyone can be intellectual, whether they are a professor or a janitor. We all have things to share and many times, we are scared to do it with our own social groups because we fear they may think we are looking down on them. or that we are behaving way above our station, or way above our actual level...what is wrong with that tell me? To aspire to be bigger and better??
I think everyone can say something intelligent, everyone has something to share that others can learn from...some of the most intelligent people on this earth, from past and present never went to college right? I am not saying Bill Gates or those types, but people who had hard lives who could not afford proper education, self-taught musicians...everyone has something to say if given the chance...
Anyway, thanks for this website and I think I have a lot to say, which I will use this forum for!! (I hope the other members are supportive in their comments!!)
Hello, welcome to this platform. A very different kind of place, I am still trying to understand it...I love posting about odd things, any thing, many things on many many topics, I don't have to join different groups to do it and that's what I love about it!
Umm, yes, you make all great points. I particularly agree about the social group thing, I am constantly filtering and rationalizing myself before talking about something that I know the others in my group might look down upon.
We are all so caught up in celebrating feminism and girlfriends groups and all that, which is also required, it sometimes comes at the cost of personal growth!
Kudos to @Aparna Saligrama for starting this!!
Oh and @meri.grey , I think there is a typo on the last para, I think you mean "I do think everyone can say something intelligent," and not "don't" .. am I right?
Hello @meri.grey . On behalf of QV Woman, we welcome you into the fold. The reasoning you give is precisely this platform was founded! We are very glad to hear someone else say it out loud!
Please explore the website and mark out your interests. We look forward to seeing you more here.