This is a fun one!..when is the best time to shower? Some say morning because it feels fresh and culturally it is the done thing. Some say evening as it washes away the dirt and sweat from the day and leaves you fresh and relaxed for bedtime... so, what's your take??
(These are meant to be a fun discussion, so don't over think things, just answer!)Morning or evening? When's the best time to shower?
I must agree with the dermatologist that @vidya veeresh mentions... I also favor evening showers as I feel it washes away the grime and tiredness of the day! I do occasionally enjoy a morning shower, but that is only very rare!
Morning for me also, a nice shower keeps one fresh, energetic for the day. Well... some may feel otherwise, a renowned dermatologist in Bangalore once told me how shower should always be taken end of the day as against in the morning, he compared it with how a shower after a football match is better and worthwhile than a shower before the match.....
Morning for me also! In addition to the benefits @arakalic mentioned, one easy accomplishment on the day's routine 😊
Of course morning. After a good nighit’s sleep, a shower makes one feel fresh and ready to take on the day. Hope more members agree with me.