I have been leading innovation capacity building sessions for nonprofits for over a year now. It occurred to me I could share some of those details here...
An article / report I like to spring board off is the one by the Bridgespan group - https://www.bridgespan.org/insights/library/strategy-development/innovation-capacity-summary-and-resources
There are a couple documents here that are very useful. I also use creative problem solving tools from my own consulting agency, here is the link for it - https://www.qvconsult.com/tools-and-templates
Covid-19 has been hard on nonprofits globally with funds shrinking and those funds getting stretched in different directions. With organizations pivoting, coping and realigning anyway, they might as well drive it with innovation.
Hope these resources help! As always, do not hesitate to get in touch with us for further support and help.
#nonprofitinnovation #bridgespangroup #innovationcapacitybuilding #nonprofitcapacitybuilding #SSIR